Staff Training Event in Brussels

On the 24th of October, The Remember project met in Brussels for the first physical project meeting. Delegations from Romania, Poland, Germany, Belgium, The Basque Country and Norway participated in this event, hosted at The Oslo Region European Office. Sjur Rynningen Bie-Lorentzen and Josefine Karen Blixencrone (both from The Oslo Region European Office) attended most of the events. There was a three day programme with the following themes, content and methods:

Day 1: Strengthen the partnership and get to know our hosts at the Oslo Region European Office (OREO) and their work towards the EU. We visited the EU Parliament's House of European History.

Day 2: Human rights work in and towards the European Union. We attended a lecture by Senior Human Rights Officer, Alexander Sjödin, from Human Rights House Foundation. Mysen shared a method of teaching human rights in the classrom through a walkthrough of "The Democracy Cake" game from The Rafto Foundation. The schools will later play the same game with their students during the project period. 

Day 3: Mysen shared their teaching methods regarding the local history task from the project application.  Lastly, we discussed and planned project management, implementation of the coming mobilities and evaluated the meeting. Visit from The Norwegian National Agency (hkdir).

The meeting had the following results:

- The partnership is strenghtened, and all the partners have now met in real life and we have become good friends.

- We learned a lot about human rights work by different NGOs in and towards the EU as well as methodology on teaching history and human rights in the classroom. 

- The partners are "back on track" and motivated to continue the project locally and through mobilities 

- Dissemmination aims were also reached through the use of our social media accounts. In addition The Oslo region Eurpean Office shared pictures and videos from the event. Even the Norwegian national agency (hkdir) visited our event to make a news article on their webpage.  

The participants from the schools will share the results of this meeting with their colleagues and students in order to integrate the results with the normal school activities. In addition it is obvious that the above mentioned teaching methods will be used in the classroom the coming months. Results from last year's project work was used during the meeting, for example a digital product from Norway about local history that was made by students.


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