Project materials: Local History Project

All the students of the participationg schools are going to implement this history task as part of our project. Before the exchanges, the multimodal product will be sent to the participants, and they will give their feedback. 

We can't wait to post the first results here in the project book. 

Local History Project – Human Rights in [insert place name]

Assignment: (select a OR b)

  1. Examine an event in your local history where human rights were violated. The list below provides you with an overview of different relevant events [note: teacher adds a list], but you are free to choose other events you might know. Search for and use relevant sources and be critical in your examination of them. Find out what happened, and what explains the event(s). Reflect on the different mechanisms in place today that can prevent similar abuses (the United Nations, Amnesty International, democracy, legal protections). Present your findings as a multimodal product, for example a podcast, video, photo story or in a recorded PowerPoint presentation.

  1. Examine an event in your local history where someone prevented human rights abuses from happening. The list below provides you with an overview of different relevant events [note: teacher adds a list], but you are free to choose other events you might know. Search for and use relevant sources and be critical in your examination of them. Find out what happened, and what explains the event(s). Reflect on the different mechanisms in place today that can prevent similar abuses (the United Nations, Amnesty International, democracy, legal protections). Present your findings as a multimodal product, for example a podcast, video, photo story or in a recorded PowerPoint presentation.

You can download this document here.


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